Monday, January 26, 2015

Dog Treat, Anyone?

One of my most loyal clients has two adorable, rescued Boxers named Riley and Austen. Riley is a bit of a nervous Nelly and has some tummy issues, so her food schedule and what she eats is quite particular. Riley and Austen's people feed them the BEST food possible and order special treats from an individual in Oregon (I think) who makes dog treats from her home.

I have been looking after these two pups for almost two years now and I just adore them. Their people like for me to spend the night in their home with them when they are out of town and are so gracious, offering anything in their kitchen for me to snack on and have even left me bottles of wine to enjoy while I'm caring for Austen and Riley. Free wine and get paid to stay with two adorable dogs...yes please!!

Rarely do I gorge myself on my clients' food (with respect to a few times when I still considered myself a rookie and didn't pack food with me) while I'm in their homes, but this particular time, I noticed some delicious-looking crackers in their refrigerator and I had brought some cheese with me, so I decided to try one. It was DELICIOUS - maybe one of the best crackers I have ever tried.

So, my time with Austen and Riley was over - I think it was a three night stay this time and each night I would nibble on a few of the crackers with my cheese. A few more weekends came and went that I again slumbered with Austen and Riley and there were always the same yummy crackers in the fridge that I would indulge myself on. About a month went by and Austen and Riley needed my services again and this time when I went to see them, I opened the fridge and I saw the crackers...only this time, the bag they were in had a note on them that read, "Dog Biscuits."

All this time I had been eating dog biscuits!! Ok, ok, I'm not THAT freaked out that I ate the dog crackers as I have, on occasion, gotten curious as to why dogs like the taste of certain treats and decided to just have a taste - clearly, dogs have different taste buds and palates because EWWWWA! However, these crackers didn't taste anything at all like the disgusting, gamey, weird consistency-having treats I have tasted before.

I would be lying if I said I haven't eaten them again since finding out they are for dogs...WOOF!

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